I feel like I keep writing the same introduction to the blogs because I REALLY DON’T KNOW WHERE TIME IS GOING. How is it practically May already?! How will I have a seven year old on Tuesday?! And we won’t mention the milestone I will be hitting at the end of May … (my late 30s … shudder ;p ).
Try as I might to slow things down, and not look to far ahead …. there’s A LOT going on around here. For one trying to re-vamp our wedding coordination business has been a lot of work (but wow I cannot thank Amanda enough for really running with it). And now we have a whole new TEAM of fresh faces. For two, we still have a TON of work we need to do on our lake house up in Vermont. And for three … Andy & I just officially booked our stays for a trip to Paris & Dublin in June … and I can’t freakin’ wait! There’s plenty more to share from my end, but for another post – for now, let’s get you all to the weekend with this quirky, Valentines meets 1980s-inspired wedding post.

As we thought about inspiration I thought about Molly Ringwald and the amazing movie styling she went through in those cheesy, yet fabulous days! The real-life couple were willing to model the shoot with us and being that Courtney had red hair, it just presented itself as a GREAT idea! I took inspiration from the character/feel of Pretty in Pink (which we remember that prom dress, oh my) and Betsy’s Wedding. Our stylist had the main idea for her to be in pants with a long wedding train. Everything else was the icing on top as we put it together! We even had the officiant with a darker styled version of Don Johnson in Miami Vice.

Photographer: Pink Light Images/Weirdo Weddings | Officiant: Marc Smith aka Captain Barnabus Blackbeard | Cake: Market Street | Venue: Lizzy Gator