The anxiety around back to school is really starting to set in over here. Do I buy new uniforms for my kids? Or another laptop so my son can “learn from home” along with my daughter this year? Do I keep my nanny on retainer ($$$?!) or pack up our stuff and move to Vermont temporarily where COVID is much lower and vax rates are MUCH higher?. I have no idea what to do to be honest … but I need to decide soon :( While we try and figure that out, at least there are still engagements, weddings, and LOVE to focus on. No matter the pandemic, that can’t be stopped <3

Briana and David first crossed paths as opposing pitchers in a social kickball league. They met at a league outing to Field of Screams where David saved Brianna from some killer clowns. That winter they ended up on the same dodgeball team and started dating shortly after.
They had been together for almost two years when he proposed. David planned a surprised proposal on the waterfront in downtown Annapolis. Even though he planned what to say, everything he wanted to say went out of his head, and in all the excitement, they are not even sure what was said (except “yes!” before David got “will you marry me?” out). David invited a friend to capture the moment and some of her closest friends to join in the revere.
For their engagement session, Brianna and David chose Brookside Gardens because of their love of plants and hiking. They are proud plant parents of over 50 house plants and will be including them in the wedding decorations.
This is a lovely engagement shoot. I love how natural the couple looks and also the vibrant colors.
Also, well done, David, for saving Brianna from some killer clowns :)
Thank you for sharing.