I got to see my CapRo team this past weekend and it was GLORIOUS. Such fabulous women, that directly supported this brand and business and I would not be where I am without. What wonders these sorts of in-person (outdoors! vaccinated!) hangs are doing for my mental health! I am staring down a birthday this week and also REALLY looking forward to a 4-day weekend. Burnout at my day-job is in overdrive and it’s taking us all down. I really need to take more PTO.
I also had my FIRST WEDDING last Friday – it was wild. A huge range of emotions and anxieties – I felt very rusty, and my body is NOT in wedding shape (my neck … my back … my feet) and it was my first time being inside with unmasked folx in well over a year. Yeah, I was pretty darn exhausted, but it went well and felt like one more step back into some sort of “normalcy” … whatever that may end up being.

Tyrone and Ebony grew up in Baltimore, living on different blocks of the same street. They ended up in the same class at Waverly Elm School. He noticed she was kind, and she thought he was cool. They were sweet ,innocent children who started as mere friends, not knowing this “puppy love” was setting the foundation for forever.
When they were teenagers, Ebony and her family moved across town. The distance made it too hard to maintain their relationship, so they reluctantly decided to just be friends. Before going their separate ways, Ebony told Tyrone, “We are destined to be together.”
Fast forward 20+ years later; they each had their own careers, and kids, but something was missing. Tyrone reached out to Ebony, and the feeling was mutual. They rekindled their love, and 2 years later, Tyrone recounted their childhood and details of their lives, and asked Ebony to marry him.