What even IS this weather?! We had snow, ice, rain, and sleet today and by tomorrow it’ll be in the 50s and sunny … and 60 by Wednesday. UGH the weather is angry and I can’t even be mad – we’ve done this to ourselves … but I digress. We’re trying to grab the kindergartners to go skiing on Wednesday … but skiing in 60 degrees doesn’t actually sound that fun. Guess we will see.
Here’s a lovely engagement session to kick off the week!

Our story begins in Austin in the summer of 2017, when we attended our mutual friend graduation party. When Jayna arrived, she sat down next to Noble, who turned away from his old conversation partner, and never looked back. Jayna and Noble talked for the rest of the evening about anything and everything, including Jayna’s upcoming yearlong trip to Australia.
A few days later, Noble got the courage to ask Jayna out, and she agreed! Over the next few weeks, they spent every spare moment with each other. Days before Jayna left, they told each other that, after Jayna left, they should each feel free to see other people; after all, they’d only been dating for a month.
But neither of them really meant it, and they video chatted daily, despite the 15-hour time difference between Austin and Brisbane. (It’s a good thing long-distance calling wasn’t required.) Within a few months, Noble had booked a trip to the other side of the world, and the pair spent two weeks traveling to various destinations in Australia and New Zealand. On their very first day together, Noble got an email from a professional acquaintance suggesting that he apply for a job at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. Neither Jayna nor Noble had lived outside of Texas before, but they both agreed it was too good of an opportunity to pass up.

Noble got the job, and when Jayna got back to the US, she and Noble shared a whirlwind week of reunions, and preparing to move to Maryland. They drove separately across the country and moved into their new apartment just in time to celebrate the one-year anniversary of their first date.
About a year and a half later, Noble wrapped her engagement ring, and placed it carefully under the Christmas tree at the one bedroom apartment they shared. He popped the question a day before they were to travel back home to Austin for the holidays. Of course, she said “YES!” They announced their engagement to their families in person the next day at a Christmas party in Austin.