What a dreary way to start the week, after such a nice weekend! We were able to get out and enjoy the mild temps, taking Charlie to the park, and letting him run wild. And I knocked out a bit more Christmas shopping at Steadfast Supply and Three Littles, a couple of my favorite local small businesses. Now I just need to wrap everything, and send them off, which is my goal for this week. On top of all that, I officially have an 18-month old now! I don’t know where the time has gone. I’m sure I’ll be saying this every time he has a birthday, or reaches a milestone, but I still just can’t wrap my head around being a parent now for 18 months, and having this awesome little human in our lives.

Adam and I met online. At the time we both were very embarrassed to admit this to anyone! We emailed back and forth for several weeks. Eventually I got impatient, so I gave him my phone number, and left the rest in his hands if it would go any further. We talked every day from that point on, and eventually he asked me on our first official date.
About two years later, on December 1, 2018, I convinced Adam to go to a Christmas tree farm to cut down our tree. This is my absolute favorite thing to do each year for the holidays. We got there early before the crowd. We walked through the fields of trees looking for the perfect one. Once we found one, Adam got down and started sawing away while I went to get a wagon to carry it out. When I got back, he had the tree down and I did not even take notice that he was still kneeling on the ground. As I struggled to get the massive wagon just right to put the tree on it, he didn’t budge, despite trying to get my attention. I was just too excited to get the tree home and decorate it! Eventually, after multiple attempts, he got my attention and told me to just, “come here for a second”. As I walked over to him, still worried about getting the tree on the wagon, he pulled out my dream ring from his pocket, and amongst a field of Christmas trees he asked me to marry him! Needless to say, I forgot about the tree at that point!