It’s Monday (after PTO!) and it’s pouring. But we got a TREE and I got a good deal of decorations up and I have holiday music blasting to help me stay motivated. We also ran a super successful FLASH SALE over the weekend (I still have a few things left, including lots of Kids Masks, so the flash sale lives on – email me if you want in!) and caught up on some life things, while enjoying the beautiful End of Fall weather.
Here’s a lovely engagement session to get your week going!

Richard and I met through an online dating app. We were both really over the whole dating scene, but decided to give it one last shot, and we’re SO happy that we did! We both knew pretty early on that this whole thing was forever, but with me having 2 kids from a previous marriage, we intentionally took things slow. Dating when you have kids is a very different dynamic, so that was the ultimate test to make sure we could take the next step.
Richard wanted to include the kids in the proposal, and while I love that he knew I’d appreciate that, they didn’t make things easy on him! The day was all set for him to propose, and on our way to his house, my son got sick in the car and vomited ALL over the back seat, including on my daughter’s favorite blanket. When we got to the house, I was focused on getting the kids cleaned up, being completely oblivious to Richard’s plans. My son called me into the bathroom and said, “I’m not saying that this is going to happen, but if it were, would you want Rich to propose to you tonight?” I was a little thrown off from the question coming from my 8 year old son about proposals, but we both agreed tonight wouldn’t be a great time, considering one kid was sick and the other was traumatized and angry about her blanket being “ruined,” and was refusing to leave the guest room.
Despite ALL of that craziness, that I’m sure every mom can relate to, Richard was ready NOW more than ever to propose. I came out of the bathroom, and I could see he seemed off. I was about to tell him how sorry I was, but that was when he started telling me how much the kids and I mean to him, and how he can’t imagine being without us. Then he got down on one knee and presented the ring. I honestly can’t remember anything else he said because I was like, “OH MY GOSH! IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING?!” I cried first, and then said, “OF COURSE YES!!”