Was supposed to get this published yesterday, but it’s been another insane week as Evie started virtual Kindergarten yesterday … and well, it wasn’t a great day to say the least. I am trying my hardest to stay optimistic, but it just doesn’t feel like our city set our public school teachers, or kids, up for success and I don’t honestly know what they spent all summer doing. I know there are so many other, much more important, much more dire problems, so I am feeling awful that I’ve harped on it … but seeing your kiddo who LOVES school and LOVES to learn, be so bored, dejected, and sad because her school’s system didn’t think about how 3 hours glued to a chair & laptop would be for a 5 year old (with working parents …) and well … yeah … it was a hard day.
But. I have to keep re-focusing on the good. Our health, our safety, our family, our love, our kiddos, and so much more. We have SO MUCH to be thankful for and I know so many others do not. I have to keep focusing on that. We all do. Happy Tuesday Romancers.

At the age of sixteen, I met Tony’s mother working at a clinic. Over the course of working together for nine years, we developed a mother-daughter relationship. I even began referring to her as my, “Work Mom”, but little did I know that five years later, she would become my mother-in-law! Tony’s mom put me in touch with him when I asked for their family business to repair my cousin’s car. Business turned into dating, and the rest is history!
One thing that always stood out to me about our story is the way we met. It wasn’t a simple story like “we met at a bar” or “we met in college”. Over the course of nearly a decade, I was able to learn about Tony through his mother’s vivid stories. On our first date, I felt like I already knew him! For me, it was always Tony, we just didn’t know it back then. I wish I met him sooner, so I could love him longer.
In April 2019, Tony was running in the Boston Marathon and actually wanted to propose there, but the ring he ordered wouldn’t arrive in time. However, the ring arrived in time for our vacation to Mexico the following month! At a beautiful resort in Cancun, we went to dinner, followed by a night time stroll where he popped the question! I said, “yes, but this is contingent!” I just had to call his mom and ask her permission first. And of course, she said yes too.