Another Monday, and another week of all. the. feels. We typically head to the NC beaches to visit Justin’s parents for Memorial Day and the 4th of July, and its starting to sink in that we may not be able to make it this year. While their beaches and communities are starting to open up, I have so many reservations about traveling anywhere still. And on top of it all, our baby boy turns 1 next month, and its looking more and more like it will be a virtual celebration. It must be the gloomy weather that has me all in my feelings today.
On the bright side, I made some delicious doughnuts yesterday for breakfast, and I think the babe is coming out of this little sleep regression (and has stopped chewing on his crib, for now!). I’ll take all the little wins these days! Let’s start this week off with this adorable engagement session that includes MacKenzie’s & Patrick’s pup!

We met in 2016 while working at the same school as adapted physical education teachers. When we started dating it very quickly felt like we had known each other forever. We share similar morals and goals for the future. It was apparent from very early that we were meant to be.
We both share a love of exercise and enjoy taking long walks with our dog Stanley. We love a combination of traveling to new places and staying at home trying new restaurants and movies.
The proposal happened in our kitchen on a Monday morning before work. MacKenzie takes care of a little girl with special needs, named Fiona, who spends a lot of time with us and at our home. Patrick said, “Mackenzie, look at this video of Fiona from yesterday”. In the video Fiona was asked, “will you marry Patrick?” When the video was finished Patrick was down on one knee.