How we all doing? I saw a post on the internets that was talking about how fast emotions seem to be changing these days, like you’re OK one minute, exasperated the next, defiant thereafter, and then immediately depressed just an hour later. I felt that post so hard. Last week was a bad week for a lot of reasons. Conrad wasn’t sleeping great, my day job was extra, and I was really feeling ALL the things (including a LOT of anxiety around getting the virus/someone in my family getting it). Which sucked extra because I also actually thought just the week before “man we’re finally getting in a groove over here in Ryback Land – this might be doable”.
Boy was I wrong. But here’s the thing I am learning at least (or trying hard as hell to embrace): there isn’t a right or wrong way here, and really survival is the most important thing (even if all those cute kid lunches, new hobbies, and whipped coffee on Instagram tell you otherwise). Day by Day is the ONLY way I am surviving this and it’s absolutely OK to have bad days or even weeks. The beauty is in the fact that we get another chance at a new day, and new week, to try and combat this insanity again.
So we’re halfway done with another week, and it’s already been better than the last. So that is certainly something to celebrate. As is this ADORABLE engagement session from one of my favorite little spots in DC, Tudor Place. These trellises are everything. Happy Wednesday you guys.

We first met at a training for a previous job we both had. At the time, Chris lived in Los Angeles and I lived in Washington, DC. Chris came to visit DC for the training, which lasted 3 weeks. It took 5 days for us to realize we wanted to be with each other, and we spent the rest of the time completely distracted by each other. For 7 months we were long distance, and only saw each other for a cumulative 7 days, until April 2018 when Chris moved across the country to be with me.
Chris and I love experiencing new things together and learning more about each other with each new experience. It can be as simple as trying a new food to randomly being surrounded by a pod of dolphins while swimming off the North Shore of Oahu. Every new thing we encounter together brings us closer as a couple and strengthens our respect and understanding for each other. We always try to seek out those experiences!
The proposal was a complete surprise! We were on a rooftop over looking DC, watching fireworks when he got down on one knee. His whole family was there to watch and welcome me into the family. Chris had already called my parents and asked for their blessing, so everyone knew I was getting engaged but me!