I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Did you miss me?! I’ll admit, while it was insanely nice to be unplugged for an entire week, I did miss you all too. Mexico was GORGEOUS and I will be sharing a recap post on our trip at some point, but to get back into the swing of things, I figured a quintessential Washington, DC engagement session would do the trick.
It’s Monday and I haven’t been at work/answering emails/blogging in over a week. I can’t think of a better way to get back into it though, than with a stunning couple, so much in love, down by the National Mall.
The beautiful DC engagement session and love story is courtesy of Stacey Vaeth Photography, submitted via Two Bright Lights.
Lynn & Dwuane’s Washington DC Engagement Session at the National Mall & Monuments
How they met:
Dwaune I were actually set up, although I was unaware the set up was happening at the time. I previously worked with Dwaune’s college roommate and when I moved to DC his friend told Dwaune about me and suggested that we meet.
After a failed attempt at introducing us at a happy hour, Dwaune’s friend convinced us each to meet him at a party. I was under the impression Dwaune’s friend was alone, but when I arrived, Dwaune was there. We talked that night and went on our first date a week later. As our relationship progressed I eventually learned that our meeting didn’t happen by chance. Luckily everything worked out and now Dwaune’s college roommate will be the best man at our wedding.
Click inside for the rest of this stunning Washington, DC engagement session from Stacey Vaeth Photography & the proposal story!
The proposal story (from the bride to be!)”
Dwaune and I got engaged in Philadelphia on April 21, 2012. As most of you know, Dwaune went to college at Penn, and since I have known him he has insisted that Philadelphia has the best food you can find. Early in or relationship he PROMISED that we would go to Philly so I could experience what he was talking about, but we never did. Finally, I called him out on it —- and all of a sudden we were going!!
We decided to make a weekend of it. Ostensibly, we were going to see one of his friends from college who had recently had a baby, tour the Penn campus, tour Philadelphia, and eat at some of his favorite restaurants. I should have known something was up though. The local radio station was doing an entire weekend of Luther Vandross songs, and anyone who knows me knows that I will not get out of the car when a Luther Vandross song is playing. Normally it makes Dwaune insane to have to sit there until the song is over (because Luther songs are insanely long), but he did not complain at all!
Saturday evening we went to dinner at La Croix at the Rittenhouse. When we arrived I found out that we were eating at the Chef’s Table, which is actually in the kitchen. The dinner was a 13 course meal presented by the chef, and we were able to watch the rest of the kitchen staff prepare dishes for the rest of the restaurant.
Just before the 13th course, our host came to the table to tell us that our meal normally comes with a tour of the restaurant and that he had mistakenly forgotten to give us the tour when we arrived. He wanted to give us the tour now because the pastry chef needed a little more time to complete our desserts. The host explained how the kitchen operates, took us to view the wine cellar, and then took us to the private dining room.
When we walked into the private dining room it was filled with candles and flowers and that was when Dwaune proposed! I think I may have gone into shock because I could hear Dwaune talking, I could see him on one knee holding a ring, and I was vaguely aware that there were people standing in the doorway taking pictures. I imagine that I managed to actually form the word YES and the rest is history!
Congratulations Lynn & Dwuane! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful love story, proposal, and Washington DC engagement session with us! A special thanks again to Stacey Vaeth Photography & Two Bright Lights for making the feature possible.
1 comment
Such an amazing engagement session! Gorgeous!