Another fantastic alternative wedding guestbook idea comes to us this afternoon from Maria’s Windows!
Maria used to be a Naval Officer turned Social Worker turned Stay at Home Mom/Artist and she began making stained glass mosaic windows after leaving her position at the VA Medical Center Psych Ward. She figured she needed a break from the chaos. Maria was referred to us by the lovely Fabienne, of Wedding Muse.
Maria is also a recent newlywed and she decided to use an old window & stained glass for her guestbook at her own wedding. What a beautiful and unique idea! This could also make a beautiful backdrop for your ceremony (as another DIY Altar idea!).
Maria shares:
I made a window for my wedding that people signed in lieu of signing a book. In the panes of the window I put a picture my daughter drew and one of our invitations. Fabienne attended the wedding and she thought that other brides might be interested in the same. We initially planned to put a photo from the wedding into one of the panes, but my daughter’s picture was so lovely we kept hers. I have done other windows on commission to include birds, flowers, trees and various designs.
Check out some more of her work:

Windows are made to meet an individual’s preferences to include color of frame and glass. Preliminary drawings are provided for approval to ensure customers are pleased with the concept.
More from Maria:
I have made windows to match the decor of a baby’s room. (Ryan photo), as well as to decorate the office of a urban renewal executive (tree photo). As I said earlier frames can highlight photos, invitations, and can include other items in a multi-media fashion. Basically it can include anything that can be attached to the frame or placed within the mosaic. I want to make them as personal as possible.
Thanks to Maria for sharing with us today!!
Maria’s windows are beautiful and inspired! Everything she does is unique and interesting, and the windows are no different<3
So cool! Thanks for sharing!